A review by robinlovesreading
A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty


Harper McClain is a very busy crime reporter. When she discovers that Naomi Scott, a law student, was killed, Harper took it quite personally. Harper had known Naomi, so she will do whatever she can as a reporter, and as one quite familiar with the police, to find Naomi's killer.

With the police having a few suspects, who happen to be three men who claimed to love her, Harper realizes that she must dig deep. What she discovers, however, is that nothing was as it seemed in Naomi's life. While one man has been fairly well accused, there is an affluent district attorney's son whom Harper is fairly certain was guilty of the brutal murder.

Things get too close to Harper, and to others at the newspaper. Things get so hairy, in fact, that their very livelihood is threatened. Will Harper back off to protect her job? While Harper stays resolute in her desire to discover what happened to Naomi, danger lands right at her door. Will she survive this time? What of Luke, a cop who demands Harper stay away from the case, and the fact that he is now her ex?

A Beautiful Corpse was a compelling read. I was drawn in right from the start as I found it to be very engaging. This is the second book in the Harper McClain series. It was a fantastic read. I read the first book in this series, The Echo Killing, just a a few days before reading this book and thus became completely invested in Harper and this new series by Christi Daugherty. As Harper is begun a new case, this book does well as a standalone. However, why not go and grab the first book and devour both just as I have? I definitely look forward to continuing this series.

Many thanks to Minotaur Books for this ARC for review in exchange for my honest opinion.