A review by redhairedashreads
Married to my Grumpy Minotaur Boss by Ami Wright


Ronan is struggling to keep the ratings of his reality TV shows up. When Justine suggested he participate in their most popular show Married for A Day, he doesn’t like it but agrees in the hopes it will save his company. When it is time to film though, Justine finds herself being the fake wife and quickly realizes she likes Ronan. 

This was a fake marriage romance between a boss and his assistant. The chemistry between Ronan and Justine is there from the beginning and I enjoyed their relationship overall. The sex was very steamy, if a bit unbelievable at times, but still a good read. I do enjoy when the monsters lose control and can’t seem to keep themselves away, even when they deny their feelings. 

Justine was a sweet woman who was led to believe she was abnormal because she liked sex and wanted more than just missionary. I really liked Justine and how she grew confident in her sex drive and expressing what she wanted in love and sex. But there were a few times I wished she had pushed back against Ronan’s actions more. It also seemed like she was easily swayed by expensive gifts and traveling, instead of pushing for an actual apology. 

Unfortunately, I do have some issues with Ronan and his actions. First though, I did love how Ronan helped Justine become more confident in her sex drive and voice what she wants. I am all for a sex positive story with lots of kink approval. My issue with Ronan is that he isn’t upfront with Justine from the beginning. He doesn’t disclose information about her job when she is forced into being on Married for A Day, is frequently rude to her, and tries to buy her forgiveness with trips and expensive gifts instead of a decent apology. I think one of my biggest issues though is that at times it felt like he was just using Justine for sex because he refused to consider a true relationship with her. Also when he does finally apologize, I liked that he was public about it but I also was expecting more groveling in private. 

While I did enjoy this book overall, I have issues with some of the things Ronan did. I will probably be reading the next one since Wright’s writing is enjoyable and I liked the idea of this world. I also want to see what the other grumpy bosses end up being like. 

TW: death of a parent; heart issues; health scare and hospital stay; emotionally abusive ex; 

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*


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