A review by drowninginthewords_jessica
The Face of Deception by Iris Johansen


my at work only book for the past 3 weeks. the MC is Eve Duncan who's only daughter went missing and is presumed dead. despite happening years before the start of the story, it plays an integral part in the plot- her best friend was an fbi agent who worked the case, it's her weakpoint both potential allies and enemies use, and a teaser to draw readers back for a second read.
the best points: the writing style flows easily and at a quick pace without leaving me feeling as if I had no idea what was going on.
in the other hand there weren't a lot of subplots and they weren't handled very well, but more laid down for the next books, in my opinion. I would have liked to have some news about Mandy at least in the epilogue. or what Joe said to his wife, exactly.