A review by mundinova
Impersonation by Heidi Pitlor


Is this book anti-liberal feminism?

I'm really confused by this book. I'm not sure if the author is trying to tear down liberals and feminism or show how hard it is to do everything right. Part of me doesn't like this book because of how angry it made me feel, at both Allie and Lana. The way Lana uses Allie and Allie's inability to stand up for herself paints feminists in a bad light; like we're liars out to use people. But then a good book will make you feel emotions and anger is an emotion.

So conflicted. I need someone else to read this so we can talk about it.
This book would be perfect for book clubs; lots to unpack and discuss.

I received a copy from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Story: 4 stars
Character Development: 4 stars
Writing: 4 stars
I'm confused and angry: - 3 stars