A review by the_hateful_reader
Kill for Me, Kill for You by Steve Cavanagh


I’m struggling to decide between 4 and 5 stars. I’ll tell the reasons it’s 5 first.

• I enjoyed the writing style.
“…she needed more time. To get it all straight in her mind. A few nights ago, in a bar, she had tossed a snowball up a frozen hill and now it was rolling back down, twenty feet high and it was going to crush her.”
• I couldn’t put this book down. I would get mad at myself when, at night, I grew too tired for one more chapter.
• I DID NOT SEE THOSE TWISTS COMING! I was shocked several times.
• Not a single “unreliable narrator” around! Hallelujah! And the way the author wrote the twists through the different POVs is exactly how story telling should be.

Why it could be 4 stars?
• A tad bit ridiculous at times. (They almost lost me in the first paragraph when one of the MCs put a gun in a baby bottle sterilizer to rid it of dna. Just stop.) Along with that, there were a few more eye roll moments, but the fast pace, intricate character building and desire to know the truth pushed me happily along.
• The “hero” in the end is a confusing let down.

Was it the best book I’ve ever read? Probably not, so I’ll put it at 4 but I reeeeally enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend this book to those that love twisty thrillers.