A review by clgaston31
Moon Severed by Jennifer Snyder


***I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review***
Book 3 in the Mirror Lake Wolves Series picks right up where the last one left off. This book has a bunch of swoon worthy moments and of course my book boyfriend Eli became even more sexy.
Eli and Mina are looking for Glenn and still trying to figure out why Violet is still not healing. Since Eli killed someone the last time, they now have a escort (babysitter) to help them break into Peter's house. Finally, they get into Peter's house and find some files. The information inside them is completely shocking and has completely flipped Mina's world upside down. However, the entire pack is going to be affected by those files. Everything they thought they knew is now questioned.
Eli and Mina also had a very important imprinting ceremony in this book. Gah! I didn't think Eli could get any more hot, but man did he.
This book was amazing, but ended all too soon! I can't wait for the next book now that we know Mina will be giving herself over and to find out what new information will come about from the files Eli and Mina obtained from Peter's house.