A review by emerygirl
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


Who is John Galt?? This is the first book on my quest to read at least 12 of the "100 best books of the century" in the year 2009. I picked a LONG book for my first, but it was well worth it. Although it is not a quick or easy read, I found the theme very thought provoking.

Some helpful hints for those of you that would like to tackle Atlas Shrugged...get on line and read the "cliff notes" after you read the chapter. There is so much more in the chapter than in the summary of the chapter, but the summary helps you keep track of how what you just read relates to the theme. I don't think I would have finished this book without the cliff notes! And...one of the last chapters, where John Galt speaks...just skim it!!

Finally, I am hear to tell you that Atlas Shrugged will bring you instant popularity. Everywhere I went, when someone saw me holding Atlas Shrugged, they immediately struck up a conversation with me. I felt like a mini celebrity.

Definately a book I am glad I read!