A review by jem_ko
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate


INFURIATED! My internal monologue has been beautifully separated, edited & externalised. Jenny Slate and her book wandered into my life as a fun quick read between heavier novels as i get back into reading and now - goddamn - it is my new favourite book of all time. Bumping out its predecessor which sat as my favourite book of all time for 7 years straight. This book is the amalgamation of every deep crevice of the mind of a mind so akin to mine that I wonder if my heart was pieced up placed in palatable chapters here by some divine source. If you are any of the following you will likely love this book & it may take a grappling hook to your heart:
an over thinker, a mildly traumatised millennial, a lover not a fighter, neurodivergent, queer, anxiety riddled, in ED recovery, hopeful after being hopeless for a long time, a woman who deliberates womanhood, a man who deliberates womanhood, a sister & the list goes on but i suppose you get the gist.