A review by kayhem502
The Diviners by Libba Bray


I know just about every review of this book praises how atmospheric it is, but I'm going to say it again. This book is completely immersive. As the reader, you are instantly transported to 1920's New York. The characters felt time-appropriate. Even though there was plenty of 20's slang to go around, the people didn't feel like goofy modern stereotypes of the era. The settings were rich and the author did a fantastic job of showing us this fictional world in such a way that we could imagine being there right alongside the cast of characters. The pacing was wonderful too. I am still a little surprised at how quickly I tore through this 500+ page book. It's almost as if I was so wrapped up in the story that I forgot what I was holding!

I usually read lighter books in the summer, but picked this one up as a friend recommended it. By the end, I was ready to rush out and buy the second one. I can't recommend this book enough for anyone who loves supernatural or occult themed thrillers, but the beauty of the story is that being interested in those topics is not a prerequisite for enjoying this novel. I found myself legitimately being a bit frightened at certain parts in the story, and I love thrillers and horror (read: I don't scare easily). However, the friend who recommended this book to me, is not at all a fan of thrillers and she loved this book too. There are historical elements, mystery, and a little (teeny tiny really) bit of romance that even this complete 'romance novel-hater' didn't mind. In short, this book has a little something for everyone.

Go read this book!