A review by annashiv
Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier


Okay. so this book was good, but I had one major issue with it. I loved the story and the characters and the time travel bits, but it was a little slow seeing as it didn't feel like much happened until the last hundred pages, and that wasn't the main problem. The main problem for me was the writing. I know that it was translated from German and I could definitely tell. Or maybe the author was just bad. I don't know, the writing just wasn't good. It was confusing and often repeated itself. I felt that it did a lot of explaining without explaining anything very well. I felt that the characters could have been shown more rather than just commented on. For example Charlotte. We don't see much of her and when we do she is always described as being this perfect girl who seemed meant for something great. That's about it. I wish it had moved a little faster somehow too. Somehow it seemed so sluggish even though she was traveling into the past. I guess it just wasn't for me. I may read the next book and give the benefit of a doubt that maybe this book only suffered because it was trying to explain the world too much. I don't know. I guess we shall see.