A review by thekingcrusoe
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan


After all the books I've read in the time since finishing both The Son of Neptune (book 2 of this series) and all of The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, I admit coming back to this has been a hell of a lot of whiplash. It's almost awkward how weird some of the...well, more YA proclivities of the series feel after reading a whole lot of Sun Eater, the first few books of Wheel of Time, The Edan Trilogy, and several other generally far more mature books.

That said, the aspects I briefly talk about here are not a bad thing. They're meant to be more fun and with more levity than your typical adult epic fantasy book, but it definitely felt strange!

Either way, in memory, The Mark of Athena and The House of Hades were my favorites of the series. Given the whiplash experience of coming back to this one, I admit I have absolutely no idea whether that will be/still is the case. I guess I shall find out for sure when I read The House of Hades later in the year. I also confess, that I have forgotten nearly the entirety of one half of the storyline from that next book and basically everything from the final book, which is weird. I'll be going into the last book damn near blind this time, and the next book like halfway blind, and I'm excited for that (compared to having a LOT of memories of these first 3).