A review by nbiblioholic
The Hopeless by Dawn Robertson, Kristen Hope Mazzola


Why did I think I would get any answers this time around? Well, my hopes were dashed :( There will be no romantic relationship between Ellie and Theo. I was sad for a moment, but now my hopes are pinned on her and Linc. Call me fickle lol. That would be so hot though. Hopefully these authors already predicted my wishes and book 3 will make all of my dreams for this series come true.

There wasn't as much action in this installment. It was more about the characters confronting their feelings and adapting to change. I loved Linc's POV in this and it would be nice to see more of it.

So... after a botched job, someone is coming for Ellie. Can Theo and Linc keep her safe? January can't come soon enough for me!

Release Date: November 30, 2016