A review by the_dragon_starback
The Clockwork Ghost by Laura Ruby


An excellent sequel! I loved the character development, the many middle of the night escapades and the growing friendship between the three kids. And I most heartily approve of the librarian, robot, and disguises. Aunt Esther is the BEST!

The Jurassic Park thing in the middle there is a bit weird, and that new character there is a bit . . . impossible? Actually, the last 50 pages or so were all pretty much impossible. So I would recommend going into this one with an open mind, and if you get really confused just turn off the logical side of your brain until the book is done. You'll be okay. And if you are a mother, keep a REALLY open mind. Just saying.

In the end, though, this was just fantastic. I really appreciate how Laura Ruby can combine an edge-of-your-seat mystery adventure with a breathtaking world and crazy, real characters who ask tough questions and deal with actual problems and are coming awake to the world in which they live.
Another favourite aspect of The Clockwork Ghost is the writing. It is clever, funny, insightful. It brings this whole world to life.

I have many (many, many) questions after this book, but this is the biggest: how in any world is Laura Ruby going to wrap this up in one more book?

Some favourite quotes:
'"I see you and your cynical eyeballs, Theodore," Aunt Esther said, plunking a glass of lemonade in front of him. "They're going to get stuck that way."' (Like I said, Aunt Esther is the BEST)

'She smelled of something sweet, like jam, and also something woody, like oak. As if she had been cooking up a batch of marmalade while carving wands for wizards.'

'Every kid knew not to ask an adult any questions until that adult had had at least one cup of coffee.'