A review by beckymmoe
Forbidden Fling by Skye Jordan


A new-to-me author I'll definitely be reading more from in the future!

I really liked both Delaney and Ethan, and the angsty they-can't-be-together aspects of their relationship were nicely done. The chemistry between the two of them was great; they probably could have shown a tad bit more restraint but on the whole I'm glad they didn't ;) I loved that she was in construction and that she got where she was without a fancy college degree, too.

The omniscient small-town atmosphere and the longstanding family feuds were very believable. I also enjoyed the families you're born with vs the families you choose for yourself theme, and the one of choosing to start over. There were some very enjoyable secondary characters--Delaney's Aunt Phoebe, her sister Avery, and Ethan's grandfather especially--to keep things interesting.

All good stuff!

What did make me a little crazy though, was the lack of communication between the hero and heroine. I don't quite understand why Ethan didn't tell Delaney about his brewery idea (and why didn't it occur to her? It kinda seemed like the next obvious step for him to this reader). Other than helping out with the relationship black moment, what was the purpose of that? I also still don't understand why
Ethan didn't keep his appointment to inspect her work site. It felt like it was totally out of left field, and he never really gave any reason for it. WTH??? Made. No. Sense.

Really, though, the fun parts of this one far outweighed the aggravating ones. It's first in a new series (future heroines to be Delaney's sisters, I hope? Since most of Ethan's family are less-than-heroic...), and on the strength of this one, I'll definitely be in line to check out book two.

Rating: 4 stars / B

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.