A review by shannonwelsh
The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson


Let me just say that I loved this book, and not just because the author is from Ohio(like me) or that I was sent this book for free(though this would be an awkward review if it was the reason;) ). Nope, I love this book because it has some kick-ass writing and an awesome heroine who is not just smart but also kick-ass, not to mention the plot and other array of characters who show up in this book. So without further ado, strap in and listen to me ramble.

Crown of Embers starts with Elisa turning seventeen—like me! I'm seventeen, too!—and the throwing of a parade for her where she finds out that there are Invierne in her city! The beginning was good because Ms. Carson didn't info dump everything that happened in Book One into your lap. She let the story unfold, then she explained Book One. Now, it's been a year since I read Girl of Fire and Thorns, but she told the story in such a way that I remembered the details of the book. All she had to do was mention a bit here and there, and it literally tugged at the memory of reading the first book and voila! I remembered this scene or that scene. Even the smallest details that I couldn't recall before opening this book.

In Girl of Fire and Thorns, I felt that Elisa's character arc was about Elisa finding strength within herself instead of other people or her situation(bearing the Godstone and being a princess, turned queen)and gaining confidence. Crown of Embers, for me, was different. It was more about Elisa keeping her confidence and newfound independence than anything else. The plot, however, was tricky yet simple without being overly simple or without bringing out dreadful plot twists that made no sense. She didn't bring out cliches or anything of the sort. Everything was unique to Elisa and her world, and I loved that. The plot twists were lovely! She brought them out from the very beginning with finding Invierne living beneath the city and then the many, many threats on Elisa's life and then some other spoilery stuff.

The middle did not sag one bit. Elisa did what she had to do and followed her heart(and Godstone) to Invierne land. I found that bit a little creepy, and I think Elisa did, too. And there, she showed confidence and displayed the courage she found in Book One. This book, I feel, is just as well written as the first, if not even better. And the romance, oh my gosh! Hector and Elisa are star crossed lovers from the very beginning with the lovely written tension and ending.

The ending was perfection. The writer in me cried with joy at the unhappy ending while the reader in my cried foul play and do over. She's set the story up perfectly to flow into the last book in the trilogy, which I'm really looking forward to. Five stars to Crown of Embers for being much, much more than I ever expected. And if Elisa and Hector don't end up together (reader in me: Oh please, oh please, oh please, let them live happily ever after. Writer in me: Don't do it! Don't turn to the dark side! Kill them all! *evil laughter*) then I will be eternally conflicted. Thank you, Rae Carson for another book I couldn't put down.

I won this in a Goodreads First Reads giveaway, but all opinions are my very own. :)