A review by krisrid
Angel Condemned by Mary Stanton


I was a little disappointed with the last book in this series, but wanted to give it one more try, because I love the creativity of the premise, and the characters were really fun to read about. This book brought me back to loving the series!

Bree is still recovering - emotionally, if not physically - from the accident in which her leg was broken. She's also still trying to figure out how to balance her role as a celestial advocate representing damned souls who want to appeal their sentences, with having a real life and family responsibilities.

When Brianna's aunt Cissy asks her to represent Cissy's fiancé in a fraud case, Bree would rather not, since Prosper White - the fiancé - is a condescending, arrogant boor of a man. But she agrees, because, well, it's family!

But then, White is murdered on the steps of the museum where he was set to show a special exhibit before Bree can even start the paperwork on his case. Very shortly afterwards, aunt Cissy is arrested for the murder and Bree has to scramble to find the real murderer so Cissy doesn't end up in jail.

At the same time, Bree is discovering more about her role as a celestial advocate, her angelic staff, and what the implications of the role will be for her over the long-term. Bree also has to make some tough decisions in this installment of the series.

I really do love the characters in this series, and the premise of a celestial court with its own rules, is really interesting and clever. Some of the issues I had with the last book were resolved through the plot of this book, and where the character of Bree was taken. I will definitely read any future books in this series. Recommended for people who enjoy light, fun paranormal stories with a mystery/legal twist and subtle Southern humour and flavour. No sex, and only brief mentions of violence that are mild.