A review by areniamar
Room Ten: Praise Times Three by Kameron Claire


Let me start by saying that Leti is a very quiet, shy, damsel-in-distress kind of character so if you like more kickass or independent women, then you probably won’t like this book. I also generally tend to like more independent female leads but in the context of this book, Leti works so I was okay with it.

This is a bit of a fast burn but there was just enough relationship-building for me to find it reasonable, so that was nice. I’m in love with the guys; they are truly sweet and the steamy scenes were definitely nice and spicy.

I did, however, feel that there wasn’t enough time spent on Leti’s relationship with her father and her sister. Her whole personality is based on the fact that she was like, “alone” as a child but you never really get to experience that, so I had a hard time connecting with her/understanding her background. She eventually wants to make amends with her family but I didn’t really care about it because I never connected with their family dynamic in the first place. Like, why did she lie for her sister in the beginning? As a reader, I wasn’t given any reason why Leti would feel so compelled to protect her sister when it’s stated that her sister wasn’t a good person. I just feel that I would have benefitted from a little more time spent on the family dynamic to really “get” Leti’s whole personality and backstory.

Unfortunately I was also disappointed in the way that the initial kidnapping plot line was wrapped up. It all happens off-screen and the men didn’t really do anything.

All in all, I liked it for the romance and spice factor but I think that other elements of the story could have been better in order for it to all come together in a substantial way.

I received a copy of this book for free from Booksprout and am leaving a review voluntarily.