A review by foreverinastory
Rowan Wood Legends by Olivia Wildenstein


I received a free audiobook from the author and the review group Audiobx in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


Catori is torn between her Hunter side and her Faerie side. In the centuries long conflict between the two, she hasn't decided if one side is right, or even if either side is. After losing her mother and best friend, Catori is sick of death. When someone she thought was a friend, steals her book from her, she doesn't know where to turn to or who to trust. But it seems like her heart has.

I enjoyed the first book, but this was a step above it! I felt more invested in the Hunter vs Fae conflict, plus we find out a lot more about the universe of Fae in this. I loved getting to know more about Cat's family ties to both sides of this conflict, and more about the Fae land in general. Plus, I have found that Ace Wood might not be the pompous asshole I thought he was at first.

This book certainly ended on a twist and I can't wait to find out more.