A review by helpfulsnowman
The Manhattan Projects Volume 1: Science Bad by Jonathan Hickman


Haha, pretty awesome! Fans of the lighter side of B.P.R.D. will probably dig this, or fans of Atomic Robo.

You know what really tickles me about this series?

Most of the time, you see something that takes a historical figure, and what they'll do is make a heroic figure a different kind of heroic figure. Abraham Lincoln freed slaves AND eradicated vampires? Wowzers!

It's fun, but something about it, I don't know, it's less fun for me than Manhattan Projects, which takes some of the most beloved characters from the history of science and twists them into raving lunatics. Einstein a bizarre drunk. A president as an evil AI. And just enjoy Oppenheimer. Good god.

This, Atomic Robo, it's a good time to be a science geek and read comics. Hopefully those groups cross over...