A review by teelock
Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges by Bryan A. Garner, Antonin Scalia


Co-authored by Bryan Garner and the late Antonin Scalia, Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges, gives you an inside look at a Supreme Court Justice’s perspective on advocacy and the art of persuasion.

Making Your Case is written in a conversational style, giving it a fresh and punchy flow. In fact, you’ll find the back-and-forth banter between Garner and Scalia to be as entertaining as it is informative.

Comedy aside, Making Your Case pulls back the curtain on what motivates the court by walking you through the essential areas of persuasive mastery: (1) general principles of argumentation; (2) legal reasoning; (3) briefing; and (4) oral argument. Each of these four areas is discussed, dissected, and delivered with a level of expertise that all legal practitioners should strive to attain.

Making Your Case truly shows you how to “make a complex case simple, not a simple case complex.”