A review by taylors_shelf
Wanderlust by Elle Everhart


Wanderlust is a romantic comedy that follows two people looking for a break from their everyday lives. Our FMC, Dylan, here's a radio contest giving a prize of a 6-week fully funded vacation around the world, but the only catch is they get to pick someone random out of your phone to travel with you. Of course, the person they choose from her phone is Jack, a guy she made out with and then ghosted. Firstly, the banter between the two main characters had me laughing out loud in every chapter. One problem that never got resolved is we never find out why Jack hated Dylan, was it cause she ghosted him? This is where a dual POV throughout would have enhanced the story. Also, in this vein, Jack's character is boring and lacks depth. This led to a lack of chemistry between the characters, and for a romance, this was a big problem for me. I will say this book talks about some heavy topics ( Abortion, climate changeā€¦ ) in a very realistic way that flows with the plot. I wish the characters were more developed and had a better connection.

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for a review.