A review by mbenzz
Boo by Neil Smith


Well, this was a sad little book, yet it was an interesting journey to go on with 13-year-old Boo (Oliver) while he discovers exactly what happened to land not only himself but his classmate Johnny in 13-year-old 'heaven.'

Numerous times I thought I had the story figured out, but there were a few surprises here and there that I didn't see coming, and boy, were they sad.

This is a story about mental illness, bullying, and the effects it has on a young child, and learning to forgive when forgiveness seems impossible.

While I loved this book and highly recommend it, I do so with care. Parents, I would suggest reading this yourself and talking to your child about some of the gritter subjects in this novel. I would not recommend this for a child or teen who suffers from depression as I don't think the subject matter would be entirely helpful to their psyche.

Overall, though, I got way more than I expected when I picked this book up on a whim, and I'm very glad I read it. Little Boo will be with me for quite some time, and though his parents are never shown in the novel (the entire book is a letter Boo is writing to his parents), as the mother of a 14-year-old boy, I find myself thinking of them often, as well as the many other parents out there who had to say goodbye to their children far too soon.