A review by snowmaiden
The Wood Wife by Terri Windling


It took me a long time to get into this book, and before I really connected with it, I was sick with the flu for about a week. When I finally did feel like reading again, other books called to me more strongly. All these excuses explain why it took me over a month to read this book, but I have to wonder if the real reason was that I just wasn't that into it. Or, on the other hand, maybe I would have enjoyed the book more if I'd read it under normal circumstances. Who can say?

What I can say is that I found it quite enjoyable at times, particularly in the middle section, but the beginning and the climactic ending sequence seemed rather opaque to me. I can't say whether it was a fault of the author or a fault of my comprehension, but I'm still not exactly sure what happened, other than the fact that Maggie got her guy in the end! However, Terri Windling is a very good writer on a sentence level, and her descriptions of the desert are stunning, so don't let my weak recommendation keep you from reading it if you're interested!