A review by hobbleit
Darksoul by Anna Stephens


ARC provided by Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

Holy mother-effing Lord, Darksoul was a good book. It was better than good. It was excellent. I had been excited to read it since I finished Godblind so when I saw it on Netgalley, I requested it immediately. I was that excited to read it. It did not disappoint.

For a book that pretty much spends the entire time set in a city under siege, Darksoul doesn’t half have a lot of stuff happen. Not to give too much of the plot away but I loved where it headed throughout the course of the book. It is a very tense novel and that tension only gets ramped up more and more as the novel progresses. It is edge of the seat level of reading. You desperately hope that the characters can save Rilporin even though it’s only the second book and you know it can’t be that easy.

Characters die: some I was sad about, some I was actually cheering for. Characters survive: some I was happy about and some I am still wishing for their deaths. It is just as dark and violent as Godblind (minus the bollock torture), meaning you get a very tense and very action packed story. The battles scenes were described in all their gory detail and you felt like you were there with the characters as they tried desperately to save Rilporin. I loved every minute of it. It was utterly breath-taking.

The characters we all loved (and hated) in Godblind return and not all of them make it. Crys continues to be my favourite character. I love his personality and humour, especially when everything around is going to hell. Dom goes through hell too, his mind destroyed by a bloody God and he does some things that made my jaw drop a little. The other characters are awesome, Mace, Ash, Tara, Gilda etc. I spent the novel wanting Corvus and Lanta to die horribly, so Stephens did her job well there. Only Rillirin didn’t have much to do in this book but something tells me that she’s going to be more important in part three.

Darksoul is an excellent middle book, and largely avoids the trap that a lot of middle books fall into of just acting as a bridge between the beginning and the end. Certain things are wrapped up and new avenues are opened but Darksoul never feels like a filler novel in the slightest. I was absolutely blown away by how good it was. It is well written. It is compelling and the plot sets up the third book perfectly without sacrificing its own story. I love the relationships between the characters. I love their stories and the journeys they go through. I didn’t want to put the book down at any point, I wanted to keep reading because I was so invested and that’s all I really want in a book.
All in all, Darksoul is an absolute winner for me. I didn’t want it to end and I want to know what happens next. Desperately. I cannot wait for the next book to come out. The Godblind series has very quickly become a firm favourite for me and I am very much looking forward to seeing how it ends.