A review by eikenlady
Hello, Fears: Crush Your Comfort Zone and Become Who You're Meant to Be by Michelle Poler


Only read this book if you’re ready to change your life.

That might sound cheesy but I’m not kidding when I say that you really need to be ready for change when you read a book like this. Because the exercises and experiences that Michelle writes in her book truly have the power to inspire you to do amazing things.

Most people would call me a panicky person. Full of anxiety. Scared of everything. So I relate to Michelle a lot when she talks about the fears that she has, but also how they hold her back. How they prevent her from fully living. And while some fears are totally valid (because they put you in danger), a lot of the fears that we all have is even just the fear of failure.

In this book, Michelle provides a ton of activities to really help you figure out who you want to be and how you can tackle your fears to get there. And not only does she have some relatable experiences to help you feel like she actually understands you, she also provides a lot of additional resources at the end of every chapter. Most of them were mentioned throughout the chapter itself.

On top of that, not only is this book a joy to read but it’s a joy to look at! The start of every chapter is full of color and life, there are pull quote “posters” every few pages to help you really chew on these ideas, and mindmap drawings to help you see the key takeaways (which can be especially helpful if you’re more of a visual learner).

Admittedly, I haven’t gone through each of the exercises yet because I was trying to make sure I read this book before the release date, but I have put all kinds of post-it notes all over the book so that I can start doing that when I go back through it a second time. (I’m even thinking about creating my own list of 100 fears.)

If you’ve ever felt scared or anxious to even do something as simple as living your life, you need to read this book.