A review by romanthiccreader
A Masc for Purim by Roz Alexander


On paper this book had everything going for it for me. Queer, check. Short, check. Not a huge miscommunication plotline, check. And yet, it felt like it took me ages to read it. 

It was very good. I cried at the end. I wanted to wrap them both up in my arms and be like, you messed up, we get it, don't let it define your whole self. It should have only taken me 3 days to read this book. And yet, 11 days later I'm just wrapping up. 

I can't even pinpoint what was going on with me that made it take that long. It's a cute little romp through a couple's journey back together. I don't know if it was the time jumping... we did get to see both MC POV from multiple points in the past and then present. So maybe that was too much? 

Maybe it was that both women put their romantic lives on hold for 10 years and that felt unrealistic to me? I'm really not sure. Realism is not typically something I require in my fiction. But it was good, and I'm glad I read it.