A review by bigbear73
Visitors by Orson Scott Card


Before reading the rest of this, keep in mind that Ender's Game is my favorite book, so Card gets a lot of lee weigh from me.

That being said, this was awful. And I think I'm done with him. His last several books have followed similar patterns to this series - a great idea, fun characters, an awesome world, all the things he's so good at.

But then. The pontificating starts. Endless conversations about how smart the characters are, or the numerous nuances of this or that science thingy, half of which have zero to do with the actual plot. As several reviews have mentioned about this book in particular, its like the thing was never actually edited for content.

In short, Mr. Card is starting to sound like the old professor that no one has ever bothered to tell he's just ranting. He earned his tenure and all, but it's well worth our time to move on down the hall to the other professors who are just as talented but are still bothering to care about their work.