A review by petalpineink
Curses and Other Buried Things by Caroline George

dark reflective


This book didn’t resonate  with me as much as I wish it had. I got a bit busy after initially finishing the book last week, and now that I’m getting around to reviewing it ai find myself struggling to remember much about it.

What I do remember that I liked was the dual timeline and the ending reveal. I am a sucker for a dual or multiple timeline, especially when it’s generational women. I find that flipping back and forth from one timeline to another can be such a powerful way to add depth and explore the effects of one’s actions on someone else’s down the road. And this went so well with this book since it focused on family curses and sins carried over the years. 


As for the ending - while I was expecting some powerful, dark, and potentially monstrous reveal at the end based on the amount of vague curse talk throughout the book, I did feel that the end reveal of the curse turning out to be the power that the family put behind their previous sins was quite powerful. It really outlined how our willingness to put power behind perceived negative outcomes can hinder our ability to move on from them and force a repeating cycle onto others out of secrecy and fear. 

I am still torn when this book was marketed well though. I was left feeling like I didn’t get what I expected. But then again, expecting a real monstrous curse did set me up for the surprise ending. 

Thanks NetGalley and HarperCollins for the ARC of this audiobook.