A review by olivesreadingarden
The Clockwork Girl by Anna Mazzola


Overall rating: ⭐⭐⭐.5
(3.5 stars)

The book started off very confusing, littered with French words and phrases which made it difficult to understand what in the heck I was reading (turns out there's a glossary at the back of the book, which I found out much too late), but as the 'world-building' (of Paris) was achieved and the plot started to take shape, I found it much much easier to get a grip on the story.
The idea and story is quite unique (at least something I've never personally read/seen/heard of), and full of mystery surrounding how Doctor Reinheart made such fully functoning clockwork trinkets. Whilst the big reveals weren't extremely shocking, I did find myself gasping aloud when you finally know what/who is the one taking the children from the streets (cue me thinking: 'OH IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW').
If you like slow-burn, mysterious, gothic books with unique concepts, I would definitely recommend it. I'm not sure this genre is my *vibe*, BUT I am still interested to try other similar books as I did enjoy it.

This book is:
- Slow burn, gothic, set in France in the 1750s
This book includes:
- No romance
- Prostitution / SA
- Death & murder
- Illness
- Pregnancy related death