A review by the_horror_maven
Twilight / Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer


I know that people were upset that this edition did not include "Midnight sun", but since it was leaked online I don't blame Meyer for not publishing it. Whoever leaked it was very disrespetful, and I am glad she treated us to this new edition. Whether you like Twilight or not, I found her gender swapped Twilight to be a joy. It took me a while to stop seeing Bella and Edward and replace them with Beau and Edith, but once I got into the groove I absolutely loved revisiting this story. It reminded me of how magical the series felt to me when I was 12 and I loved Stephanie's letter in the book. The writing is basically the same with some minor changes, but it was still was a joy to read the different take on the story. If you are, or ever have been, a fan of Twilight I strongly suggest this new take on the story.