A review by charshorrorcorner
The Last Chord by Chris Kosarich


The Last Chord is a twisted short story featuring the lead guitarist of a band called The Unnamed.

Young Matt Hayden hides in the doorway of a storefront, trying to wait out a rainstorm while keeping his guitar case dry, when he is approached by a man he calls Mister Black. What follows is your typical Faustian deal, but with a few twists.

I enjoyed this tale-it moved quickly, it wasn't totally predictable, and it was fun. I couldn't help myself from picturing Mister Black as Randall Flagg, (I wonder why?), and that's not a bad thing. He was a great bad guy and so is Mr. Black. Though I sometimes wondered if he was even a man at all? You'll have to read The Last Chord and see what I'm talking about for yourself.

I highly recommend this to those of you who like a short narrative followed up by an ending that's like a punch in the gut!

*I was given a free copy of this story in exchange for my honest review. This is it!*