A review by doyoudogear
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #6 by Tom Taylor, Andrew C. Robinson, Juann Cabal


I was really, really confused when this issue started, but thankfully it all made sense at the end. This issue of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man doesn't pick up where the last one left off, or even feel like a one-shot, but instead throws you into the middle of an unfamiliar story (a really wacky, almost unbelievable story).

It's a good things comics are so short, because I might have skipped over this one thinking there was a mistake, but I'm so happy I saw it through to the last page. It's very Peter Parker, and it's nice to remember that our favorite superheroes are also human (mostly human, or at the very least have feelings and emotions). I absolutely love what Tom Taylor did with this issue!

Also, the Jurassic Park reference was gold.

This review can also be found at Do You Dog-ear? on May 25, 2019.