A review by sempiternal_books
Holding On by KiKi Malone


I have mixed feelings about this book. I think it was well written, Kiki Malone writes in a way that makes you want to keep reading.

One of the hardest things for me when reading this book was that I very much disliked almost all the characters. Including one of the main characters, Carter, who was portrayed to be this like perfect guy but I found him 1. delusional, and 2. self-centered. And almost all the other characters were either incredibly unrealistically perfect and good or the literal scum of the earth. Everyone’s characterization was at one extreme or the other. They just didn’t feel real to me. The plot also felt a little rushed and unrealistic, probably because of the nature of the characters.

Overall there were some really heartwarming family moments but I just had trouble shaking off how unrealistic and rushed a lot of the book felt.