A review by dragon_lion64
Defiant by Pamela Clare


Pamela Clare really knows her history. She based her story off of Roger's Rangers who really existed. She changed things around and made them the MacKinnon Rangers instead.

This was the final book in the series. I believe there is a Christmas novels too which I might read but I still wish she would have written a book dedicated to Joseph, the MacKinnon’s Mahican friend. I was madly in love with him.

This story was about the youngest brother, Connor. He's the only brother left serving in the Rangers. He is their new leader. When the Brigadier General’s niece gets abducted by a group of Shawnee, he sends Connor and Joseph after her to get her back.

Sarah was noble born. In fact, she is the king's great granddaughter. A scandal makes her parents send her from London to the Americas. On her way to Albany to visit her uncle, she and the people she is with get attacked. She is taken by a warrior named Katakwa who is bent on avenging the murder of his wife. He leads her by a rope through the forest. Sarah has no idea what will happen to her.

She goes through a horrible ordeal yet she handles it bravely. At first, I was a little annoyed with her placing such a high value on her virtue but given the era and how she was raised, I could understand it. I just thought if there's a choice between death or giving up my virtue, it would be a no brainer.

This story was emotional right up to the end.

I didn't want the series to end.