A review by joskypay
Payback Princess by C.M. Stunich


Writing down the ending so I know where it left off. SPOILER, ENTIRE ENDING SPOILER....
Seriously going to tell the ending here....
You've been warned!

Justin (the serial killer) has Maxine, but safe, for now... Maxim disappeared after dinner with his Dads, Parrish, Chasm and Kota are at the prom with Justin and Tess chaperoning, Tess suspects Kota and Parrish are together and confronts them about it but before they can answer her they find out Maxim is missing AND Tess gets a call that their home is on fire they are leaving and the book ends. Also of note
Lumen told them she was supposed to lure Kota somewhere alone. It hasn't happened yet. Veronica and co had cornered Kota after exams and cut her clothes off her and beat her up, recorded it, Justin said he'd get it off the web for her.
Kimber suspects things are going on, doesn't like Kota so might organize the school against her, just all kinds of sketch
Delphine said she was quitting but she's still there AND they all don't trust her
Justin is dating Parrish's bio-mom
Also got that cryptic note that she thinks was from Saffron saying Miss you and love you fierce stay strong I'm coming.