A review by ljbentley27
Cold Bath Street by A.J. Hartley


What are you supposed to do when you are lost in that precarious world between life and death? Preston Oldcorn has to figure this question out because since he died he has been stuck in a sort of limbo, consorting with ghosts and occasionally going back to his old home in Preston, Lancashire. He hasn’t gone to heaven and he knows he hasn’t done anything bad enough to send him to hell. But he does seem to be unable to get away from his home town.

Preston’s story mixes local ghost stories and spooky history from the Lancashire town. Author, AJ Hartley grew up in the area and has used real life locations to shape and develop his tale of lost souls. We see the sadness of unfinished business juxtaposed with the light of making new friendships and making the best of a bad situation. Hartley manages to bond the natural and the supernatural together in such a believable way that you will not be able to put the book down until you know just how it end.

Cold Bath Street is a really good ghost story. It is creepy and mysterious and keeps you guessing to the very last page. It is a very entertaining read and perfect for those who like to be scared.

Cold Bath Street by AJ Hartley is available now.