A review by natalie_and_company
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro


I have read other Kazuo Ishiguro and his writing stands out the most in this one so far. The style almost reminds me of Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon in a way. Its tone is very fable-esque. Telling of something that's product is more than the sum of its parts. 

Its questions of healing and ignorance are very well presented. So much of the healing that needs to be done in this book cannot be carried out because the people live in ignorance of even its need in and of itself. Progress in the self and in our relationships cannot be made when the past is forgotten. The past is what creates us and without remembrance of that we are only a portion of our full selves. Any attempts to move forward in our lives would be halted by the buried giant that lies within us all, the parts of ourselves we wish we could forget, no matter how much sand you try and throw a this giant, the world will cause it all to come tumbling down eventually. 

This sits at a 3 star because I just feel like the ending lacks a little umph. It feels a little flatline compared to the life that exists in the rest of the story.