A review by autumnwonders
Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor


I'm giving this 4 stars, even though, by 3/4 through I felt it was more 3 stars, because that's when it got unnecessarily violent, a bit long-winded (adding a character that I didn't feel added anything other than a vehicle to the ending). The violence, and drug use became too much and it painted quite a horrifying picture of India, so that if I had never been there, I would not want to ever go!
Apparently there is going to be a film, which depending on the director and actors, I may watch, and there is apparently going to be a sequel to the book which I will not read.
It's an ambitious book, and I appreciate the intent. The writing is superb, and it's so fast-paced and compelling. So maybe I'll end this on a 3 1/2 stars:)