A review by ljrinaldi
From the Tops of the Trees by Kao Kalia Yang


Kalia is born in a refugee camp in Thailand, after her family, ethnic Hmong, fled there. She has never known anything else. So, it is not unusual for her to ask her father, when she is four years old, if the whole world is a refugee camp.

How can her father explain? They are not allowed to leave the camp. So, he takes her up into the tallest tree in the camp, so she can see the world beyond, see the sky, see the birds, see the mountains, and the world outside.

This is based on the author's life, as she too was born in a camp, and she too had her father climb a tree with her to show her the world beyond.

Sweet way to teach about refugees, and what life is like, waiting to move on. And so good that it is told from a child's point of view, with child like questions.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.