A review by amothersmusings1
Behind Closed Doors by Catherine Alliott


Having not read anything by Catherine Alliott before but heard she writes engaging emotional women’s fiction, I was over the moon to be invited on the book tour for her latest novel “Behind Closed Doors”.
“From the outside, anyone would think that Lucy Palmer has it all, loving children, a dashing husband and a gorgeous home. But when her marriage to Michael comes to an abrupt and unexpected end, her life is turned upside down in a flash. As the truth of her marriage threatens to surface, Lucy seizes the opportunity to swap her house in London - and the stories it hides - for a rural escape to her parents' farmhouse in the Chilterns. With her parents growing older disgracefully, she can hardly keep up with their social life - especially when it throws her into the path of an old flame. Coming face-to-face with her mistakes, Lucy is forced to confront the secrets she's been keeping from herself and those she loves.”
Although Lucy and her parents are not your average family next door, being more upper class in their activities, I was still able to relate to a lot of the story involving her parents, Henry and Cecily. Having elderly parents myself of the same age, I recognised the out of date fridge and cupboard contents, their reluctance to have help, the ignoring of small health issues and the denial of their fast approaching old age. It gave me a huge amount of encouragement knowing other daughters/sons have similar issues and I found myself agreeing and nodding my head at a lot of went on between them.
When Lucy’s marriage came to an end, I could sense her immediate feelings on not knowing how to react. What she did (or didn’t do) is a thought provoking and much debatable subject and I have to admit I was totally on her side.
The story was narrated in the first person by Lucy. She also reveals events in her marriage and earlier life which blended in seamlessly with the story, allowing you to build a full picture of why she is the woman she is now. I particularly liked how after twenty eight years of married life and two successful grown up children she managed to return to the person she was before and I was with her every emotional step as she shed her skin from the last few years.
“Behind Closed Doors” is a heartwarming and engaging story focusing on domestic abuse, aging parents, starting over and dealing with emotions that can make or break your world. Funny at times but still handling the delicate subject matters with empathy and warmth and I’d be happy to read the previous books this author has written.

Catherine Alliott has sold over two million bestselling novels worldwide and has been translated into eighteen languages. “Behind Closed Doors” is her 17th novel and is a perfect Mother’s Day read. You can read more about this author and book here - https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/312/312269/behind-closed-doors/9780241384718.html

Thank you to Sriya Varadharajan for inviting me on the #booktour and for my copy of the book in return for an honest review.