A review by jamiehandy
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi


I finished this book. It was interesting. It was OK. I loved some things about it and hated some things about. First, what i loved. . .
1. the ability to read about the changes that occurred to actual people during the revolution in Iran -- that very literally overnight the city of Tehran went from modern, western in fashion and dress to having all the women covered in the chador, burkah, -- whatever you call it.
2. the lives of these women
3. the discussion on the books -- made we want to avoid Lolita forever, reread The Great Gatsby, avoid Henry james, and love Jane Austen. My favorite, favorite quote in the book is from the women laughing at how Jane Austen would have started Pride and Prejudice had she been living in Iran. "It is a truth, universally acknowledged that a Muslim man with a wife would be in want of a 9 year old virgin wife."
4. the intermingling of historical events

Things I hated.
1. The absolute lack of an outline to move the story forward. This was not an easy book to keep reading -- there was just nothing to move the plot forward.
2. The constant shift between characters made it often difficult to keep track of all the characters.
3. All the finding of good redeeming qualities in the main character who rapes the little girl in Lolita.