A review by litwithleigh
Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson


**Updating my review**

Full disclaimer, when I started reading again in 2018, this book was recommended to me by the librarian. It was first thriller book I read; as an angsty teen I was all about the romance. So, it's hard to tell if I read it today, with a ton more thriller books under my belt, if I'd love it as much. I wasn't sure what to expect with the genre, so I wasn't as consciously invested in "solving" the mystery as I am now.


Think: "50 First Dates" but the horror version. Christine wakes up everyday not knowing who she is, where she is, or why she is the way she is. Her husband, Ben, tells her she was in an accident 20 years ago. Christine tries to dig into her past and bring back her memory... But what she finds she may rather forget.


Yes, the villain in this novel is very obvious. But the way the reveal was written, the moment Christine realize what is truly up, was *chefs kiss*. I still remember how I felt reading it; almost as if I were Christine... putting all the pieces together and stepping back from a horrifying puzzle. Dang girl RUN.

I loved the writing and it was well-paced. I was engaged the entire time, wondering the why and the how and silently cheering Christine on. I've been meaning to watch the movie, too. I hope it is just as eerie. I looked into the author's other novels, but the ratings are kinda :/.

As I mentioned earlier, it was one of the first (if not THEE first) thrillers I ever read, and as they say, the rest is history. (I became a thriller junkie).


Pros: Great writing, well-paced, engaging storyline
Cons: Easy to figure out