A review by poplora
Highlander Unchained & Forbidden Highlander by Donna Fletcher


So. First the things I didn't like too much.

Cree is a giant, possessive, jealous, controlling Douche Canoe. His main personality is: Angry and Horny. His favorite word is 'Damn'. He uses it for anything and everything. I'm fairly certain 30% of his entire dialogue is 'damn.'

Dawn is a Mary Sue, in this case it wasn't too bad. I don't mind Mary Sues, I do mind boring ones and Dawn wasn't boring. It was nice to have a main character who has a disability. Always points for that.

Here is the plot in a nutshell:
*Assassin tries to kill Dawn*
*Assassin Runs Away*
*Cree Is Angry*
*no one can find assassin*
Dawn ignores instructions and someone takes advantage and tries to kill her again .
Rinse and Repeat.

For some reason though despite all this, it still held my attention and I enjoyed it enough. If you like Scottish people romance and angsty, controlling love interests, try this one out.