A review by melycp
Spectacle Vol. 4 by Megan Rose Gedris


Spectacle is definitely getting better with each volume and four was the most interesting so far. 

The story showed some progression, but the pacing seemed much slower. Previous volumes had little to no plot progression, but you actually found out quite a few things in volume four – despite the slow pace. There were a few repetitive moments that didn’t feel entirely necessary.

Without giving any real spoilers, you find out who killed Kat and the why and how of it. Personally, I thought his was the best part of the entire series so far. 

You also get a detailed backstory to a character who hasn’t been overly present so far and it was really intriguing to read. They are a character I’ve always had some interest in so it was great to see that they have more of background than I thought. 

As with ever volume the art style is very interesting and I feel like it has gotten even better with the various mutations everyone has. These added real intrigue and interest to the characters and every page was super detailed. It’s not my favourite art style ever, but it is very good. 

I’m very grateful to have been given a copy of the final volume and I’m excited to see how the story ends. We now know who killed Kat and I’m left wondering what the fall out will be. I should be posting a review of volume five in a few weeks so keep an eye out for it.