A review by pwbalto
My Name Is Elizabeth! by Annika Dunklee


Oh now this is a good one. A great one. Not only because of the story - a little girl with a mouthful of a name who nonetheless would prefer it if people did not shorten it - but the art: fat lovely swipes of gouache or black ink, little scritchy lines, and a vast color palette encompassing exactly two colors - sun orange and pale blue - plus black and white.

I especially like the wordless page where we see six little drawings of Elizabeth getting ready for school while intoning the syllables of her name. Her mouth makes the E, the L (probably: it's obscured by the toothbrush), the I, purses up for the B, opens for the second E, and then the tongue is between the teeth for the TH. I would make an entire storytime group say it slow with me as I pointed to the pictures.

And the moment she stands tall and in an assertive but polite voice announces her full name, I like that too. But what slays me is the ending, when her toddler brother cannot quite manage all those consonants, and she graciously acknowledges his effort. Good big sister.