A review by bequibuho
Destroyed by Aimee Shaye


I was so excited about this book and being part of the blog tour, but I have to be honest and I did not like this book.

This was the synopsis that had me intrigue, click here.

Unfortunately, I had issues with the big from the very beginning. The author didn’t do a lot of research before writing this. She would repeatedly say that her vampires are 10,000 years old and live in our modern time. That they were turned at the height of Ancient Greece, she is off my a couple thousand years.

The character were many in number but not enough in substance. I couldn’t keep everyone straight and honestly after a while they started blending together. They were flat. I felt no attachment to any character. I found them to be annoying, especially the core characters.

This book was over 450 pages, that’s about 200 pages more than it should be. Certain plot points were talked over in great details as if she thought the readers were toddlers and wouldn’t understand, while other points were skipped over. It was so dragged out.

This book gets a F. There was so humous dialogue and I do think the plot is interesting. I just think Shaye needs to submit her work to more qualified editors. Maybe insert a family tree and a timeline with the prologue.

What really bothered me about this book was how much her characters threaten and actually committed rape and sexual assaults. The rape scene didn’t progress the story or show how ruthless the character is … it showed how little she knows about trauma. I found that more disturbing.