A review by beeofthebooks
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade


The concept of this book was something that really interested me and had a lot of potential to be great, but the execution was so incredibly disappointing.

Neither of the main characters were particularly pleasant to read about.

April was insipid, at best. She was overly defensive of her weight, often when she had no reason to be, to the point where it was the majority of her character. She made unnecessary leaps to insults that weren't spoken or intended. She made every interaction about her and her weight. She was inappropriate, childish and obstinate, none of which make for a good character. She made Marcus climb over himself to apologise for things that he had no business apologising for. She was the same deeply unpleasant character at the end of the book as she was at the start. There was zero development. If anything, there was a negative progression, and she got worse.

Marcus was barely any better. His characterization made next to no sense. A man in his position would not have so little self worth at his age that he would let an insecure fan bully him like April did. He wasn't quite so insufferable as she, and by the end he at least had a small amount of personal development. But that wasn't enough to save his character. He did provide my favourite quite of the book "Insistence alone couldn't transform reality."

And, indeed, that quote holds true, as the insistence this book shoves down our throats about these two characters working together just couldn't transform the reality that they just dont. Their interactions were disjointed, badly paced and do not read like the interactions of two people in their thirties.

The plot was unsatisfying and the villain of the book's plot didnt have any interaction with either main characters. To me, April was honestly th villain of the book. The plot seemed to happen in a different space than the main characters. They were so involved in each other that nothing outside of each other existed, which was a shame. The book would have been infinitely better if Alex was featured more, or his relationship with Lauren explored in any capacity.

The only reason this book didn't get one star was because occasionally it acknowledged the poor choices it and its characters made in an almost mature way. That wasn't enough to save the book, but it was enough to drag it out of the depths of book hatred, and keep it from getting a DNF.

I would not read this book again, and I have no intentions of recommending it to anyone.

Favourite Quote:
"Insistence alone couldn't transform reality." Marcus