A review by cmurr3
Teen Angst? Naaah... by Ned Vizzini


Let me start by saying I love Ned Vizzini. I think his writing is great and It's Kind of a Funny Story is one of my favorite books. And because of that, I wanted to love this book so much, but I just didn't. For some reason, I didn't enjoy reading this book. I had a really hard time getting through it. I mean I started this book in June and I didn't finish it until now, which is really saying something for me and my reading habits.

I don't want to say that I didn't enjoy it because of the plot, since it's based of Vizzini's real life, but I think that is what it is. I wasn't engage or entertained by what was going on. I think it may have been because it was so over the place and realistic that it didn't interest me.
I don't want to trash the book, because there really is nothing wrong with it, I just found it boring. Regardless, his writing and language was just as great as ever.