A review by amym84
Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews


This is my favorite book of "The Edge" thus far. The only thing I can say is I really wish that it were longer, just because I think that Ilona Andrews really hit their stride with Audrey and Kaldar. They have been my favorite couple of the edge series so far, I wish we got to spend more time with them. One book doesn't seem like enough. I do like how the other couples (Rose and Declan and Cerise and William) have been showing up in the other books so we at least know what is going on with them.

Audrey is a former grifter trying to turn her life around and make an honest living when she is approached for one last job. She takes it with the understanding that it will be her last job and she will never be asked to steal again. Little does she know the job she helps with has major repercussions. In comes Kaldar Mar working for the Mirror looking to get revenge upon the Hand for the loss of some of his family members. Sent to retrive the item that Audrey helped steal, they now have to work together to get it back.

Audrey and Kaldar are great characters. They play off each other very well. The witty banter that is great in the Kate Daniels series abounds in Fate's Edge. The actions scenes are also precisely written. There is a nice balance of both. I also appreciate that the villains in this book are truly vile. They do awful things to people and they are scarey. I like that in Ilona Andrews's writting that they back up what the character's say. Example: Audrey knows she's good at picking locks and she is. We get to read about how good she is at her job. In other words, we (the reader) aren't told she's good at picking locks but within the circumstances of this book things occur that actually keep us from seeing she's good at what she does and we have to assume it's true. Same with the villains. We read that they are bad and scarey, but they are time and again thwarted and we never see them being bad and scarey. Well not in Fate's Edge (or any Ilona Andrews book for that matter), the villain can back up their threats.

George and Jack (Rose's brothers first seen in "On the Edge") are featured a lot in this book. We get to see how much they've grown and changed from the little boys in the first book. While still young you can see how mature they are because of all the things they've already seen in their lives. I believe these two will be a premanent fixute in the books, and if the series goes on long enough I imagine we will see books with them as the main characteres.

Mentioning main characters, I'm really not sure who will be featured in the next book as the main couple. "On the Edge" introduced us to Rose and Declan, but William was also a character who was them the lead in "Bayou Moon" which then led us to Kaldar Mar who is the hero in "Fate's Edge".I guess we'll have to find out. I'll admit I wasn't as dedicated to this series as I was to the Kate Daniels series (probably my favorite series of all time), but with this installment I find that I want more books in this world, and I can't wait until the next comes out! Until Then!