A review by mommabygrace
Fate Hollow Academy: Term 4 by Lyra Winters


Term 4 is the last book in the Fate Hollow Academy series, and I'm part sad and part happy to see Wren's story wrapped up. Thanks for taking us all along for the ride!

Wren and her mates grow closer every day. We see her powers grow, and the trust among the eight of them expand. We get the big final battle in this book that the series has been leading up to. Wren and each of the guys all have their own roles to play. I loved that Winters wrote about each of the guys' part in the battle rather than just jumping ahead. It helps make it more realistic and thought out, and gives closure to everyone.

Wren is no longer the timid shifter she started out as, but living up to her adamants of being tiny yet dangerous. We get an unexpected character and development. And that epilogue?? Just what I've been waiting for.